Theatre at the Henderson Hub

We have a number of local theatre groups that stage their productions here at the Henderson Hub.


cassio productions present: urinetown

1 -4 May

Urinetown is a hilarious musical satire of the legal system, capitalism, social irresponsibility, populism, environmental collapse, privatization of natural resources, bureaucracy, municipal politics, and musical theatre itself! Hilariously funny and touchingly honest.


centralian players present: A play of 2 halves

16 -18 May

The Centralian Players present a Play of 2 Halves. This is a performance of 2 one act plays: Alternative Accommodation, a drama by Pam Valentine, and Rude Awakenings, a comedy by Nicolas Ridley..


abbots langley Gilbert & sullivan society: HMS pinafore

13 -15 June

ALGSS will be bringing one of Gilbert and Sullivan’s most well known works to the Henderson hub stage. This comic opera is a hilarious tale of love, honour and duty.